Community Upliftment Projects
Jobs4Carbon Soup Kitchen

Jobs4Carbon Soup Kitchen

The Covid19 pandemic brought to light a life-threatening situation in South Africa and in Vanwyksdorp.

Our first question was: “What happens next”. A meeting was called, information sought, and we decided to take hands and take action.

The Jobs for Carbon(J4C) team reacted immediately and made an instant effort to support the community. Members from the community, that were able, was called upon to make donations. J4C instantly set up a soup kitchen.

J4C moved in on the 13th of April, formed a unit, and joined hands to overcome this enormous
crisis. Our world suddenly changed completely and negativity threatened to take over individuals. J4C took the lead by having a positive influence on the community and standing out as role models.

The biggest challenge was to support a local Early Childhood Centre in feeding the children.

Secondly, the ladies who play an integral role in Landcare are currently unemployed and also need to be fed. Soup with very high nutritional value is provided to the children at the school, twice weekly. The Landcare team is provided with 5 meals a week. It has been decided that the ladies from the Landcare team will take turns in assisting with the preparation of meals, with the underlying principle being that one hand wash the other.

The soups and stews served, are very high in vitamins and minerals. Our highest priority is to ensure that the meals provided are healthy and high in nutrients, knowing this may be the only meal of the day to some.

Feeding so many mouths with so little funding, decent planning and intensive labour is a requirement. The kitchen we are using is not equipped for projects this big. In spite of challenges like these, we have managed to serve 2310 meals in a 7week period.

We are proud to say that Jobs for Carbon has made a difference and the community was able to rest peacefully, as no one went to bed with an empty stomach.

Jobs for Carbon would like to thank the Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve and all other contributors for their donations, whether in the form of funds, ingredients or a helping hand.

Together we have made a difference.

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